Daniel Sloss


Daniel Sloss, you rock.

Just saw the second episode of your stand up comedian show on Netflix, I am almost twice your age and want to thank you for your honesty.

You are absolutely right on what you say about relationships and love.

Thank you ever so much for not making me feel like an alien, like I have a serious problem. I stopped feeling like that a while ago, but thanks anyway.

Thank you for what you said about loneliness, about the illusion of love and relationships, about the lack of guts to be on your own.

On loving every single bit of ourselves before getting into a relationship.

For the way you described it when we don’t.

One of the chapters of the book I am writing is exactly on that theme.

Love your country and you are bloody gorgeous by the way. Reminding me a bit of Mick Jagger when he was in his twenties.

Wish you all the best and thank you once again.

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