“When we’re feeling distressed, frustrated, or otherwise unhappy, there’s usually a quiet inner voice nudging us toward a wise course of action. Unfortunately, the ego is rarely keen to cede control and can be hostile to any form of aid or input outside itself. Again, it believes it always knows best and can rescue itself if and when it’s necessary. Unfortunately, this often turns out to be untrue. Rather than rescuing and renewing us, it frequently brings more pain and destruction. So what we really need in these instances is something outside the ego to carry out the rescue mission.
That said, the ego can be quite cunning and often manages to convince us otherwise. We thus end up renouncing what is ultimately in our best interest. The ego’s propensity for hubris and self-deception forms the psychological backdrop for religious conceptions of sinister serpents and devils.
One of the ego’s favorite tactics—one which seems particularly prevalent and effective in modern life—is convincing us that stepping back from heated emotions, even those that are downright toxic, is “inauthentic” and ergo a bad thing. But as I’ve argued elsewhere, failing to critically evaluate our emotions is like offering an alcoholic another drink simply because he “feels like” having one. The fact that an emotion (or thought) happens to be salient in consciousness doesn’t mean we should categorically endorse it as valid or worth embracing.”
A propósito disto… A ver se aprendemos alguma coisa com os psicólogos.